Florence in the fifteenth century is a charming town which is home to many renowned artists whose works are admired even in the twenty-first century. But the town is also a stage for a fierce fight between two rich and powerful families – the Medici and Pazzi family. And – unwittingly - Bára becomes part of the fight; she needn’t do much, just be in the right place at the right time and a message for one of the Medici family gets by, sheer chance, in her hands. Her new friends, Sandro and Leonardo, help her to get out of the situation. Being friends with Leonardo, is, after all, a never-ending adventure: a secret construction of a hand-glider would be an exciting adventure even today, let alone in 1470! It’s a good thing that at least Sandro is the one with a common sense... Anyway, have you always wished to solve the mystery who did Leonardo da Vinci portray as Mona Lisa? Just open the book and read the story.